About Me

"For me, nutrition goes far beyond mere eating."

My name is Stephanie Rosquin, born on 20th May 1981 in Luxembourg. For me, nutrition goes far beyond mere eating. I am passionate about accompanying people in their dietary changes and the personal development that follows.

Basically, I am a physical education teacher. After a few years in the profession, I had the desire to continue my education and to add studies in nutrition and to specialize in the nutrition of athletes. I have worked with many athletes, amongst others at the LIHPS and the Luxembourg Football Federation.

But my heart is mainly on the medical side of dietetics. I have been working in hospitals and at the Maison du diabète in Luxembourg City. Over the years, I have developed a particular interest in digestion, especially in the irritable bowel syndrome. I specialized in nutrition for people with allergies and intolerances as well as nutrition for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Always looking for the most personalized and holistic support for the customer, I have studied micronutrition, personal coaching and sophrology.

I love giving workshops and offering training in the field of nutrition. I am fascinated by the enjoyment food can bring and I want to share knowledge about nutrition.

The customer is the greatest expert in his diet and it is important to me to accompany him.